The Sandwich United Reformed Church
Formed 1640
Cattle Market Sandwich CT13 9AF
Churches Together in Sandwich CTiS
- CTiS Festival Praise 2012 -
Sandwich Festival 2012 - Festival Praise in St Mary's Church
- Festival Parade 2017 -
- Festival Praise 2012 -
Festival PrAISE 2012
- Festival Praise aUGUST 2012 -
The musicians that led the singing
- Guildhall Coffee Morning 2012 -
CTiS coffee morning at Sandwich Festival August 2012
- Mayor & Mayoress and Sally from Carpenters Arms Sandwich Festival 2017 -
- Sandwich Festival 2017 -
Mayor and Mayoress, Sally from Carpenters Arms and Joy from URC
- Sandwich Festival Praise -
The CTiS musicians