The Team


Minister;  Rev Bernard Fidder  01227.767561, 07341967218,

Secretary; Linda Cawsey

Administrator; Kath Gifford

Elders;   Joyce Ediki 01304.617776 or 07515424179           Esther Spanton 01304.611931, Karin Munro 01304.619136,  Beryl Booth 01304.619156 Martyn Pennington 07710030278

Non serving Elders;  Jane Bremner, 

Treasurer; Kath Gifford 01304.617834 07790.299394

Please contact the Minister and Elders in the first instance.

Safeguarding – Sandwich URC has adopted the safeguarding policies and procedures of the United Reformed Church.  In particular we are committed to the safeguarding of all children, young people and vulnerable adults.  Any child wishing to talk about an urgent problem can contact Childline on 08001111. 



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